Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • bhobama
    05-10 10:07 PM
    The answer is in your question. Numbers. A few years ago (circa 2002-) no one complained much about Indians. Recently the complaints in the media/forums etc. are much higher. Why ? More H1, => more bodyshoppers (mainly India) => more abuse => more complaints and so on.

    Also FYI, H1 is "temporary" just like F1. H1 is not a guarantee to GC. So you need to go back after 6 years, since you say F1 should leave after graduation.

    Thats my point. Why are pakistanis getting green cards and nobody is saying they have taken jobs away from Americans? So many come to US on visa free travel, work 6 months undocumented from european countries, yet they are the first to get the GCs while Indians abuse B1, they abuse H1. How come only Indians abuse everything no one else abuses anything?

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  • EADplease
    09-11 04:45 PM
    Congratulations, mine (485 and 765 for my husband) was received by TSC on July 24th but no receipt, no checks cashed nothing yet. It seems TSC is really slow in receipting the applications. My husband needs to travel abroad soon and we're anxiously waiting for the receipt...

    My applications ( I-140; I-485; I-765) were mailed on July 27th to NSC and they had acknowledged received on JULY-30th as per the mail delivery confirmation.

    Today I recieved a note from my lawyer that the receipt notice has been issued for all of my applications.

    Phew that was a relief as I was about to leave to India soon and was worried about travelling without the receipt number.

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  • MunnaBhai
    02-04 05:18 PM
    Contributed $100.00
    Transaction # 2S237431VK1821121

    Will contribute more.

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  • eb3India
    04-20 03:31 PM
    Per my lawyer,

    1. USCIS does not mandate that you must inform when you invoke AC21. You can inform them if and when you get RFE.
    2. I strongly believe that we should not accept job offers that is not related to the job you originally applied for. My lawyer says it is usually vague and if USCIS determines other wise I will be in trouble. And for the same reason I am hesitant to accept very good employee offer from my current client.
    3. Self employment is ok as long as the requirements are met and that is what is I am doing now.

    I changed my job twice using AC-21 informed USCIS once, I don't see any risk itz a law, as long as you are able to produce paperwork that your current job is similar to previous one you are safe, any decent employer would give you a supporting letter (oh ya exluding blood sucking desi pimps).

    I find many guys calcluate too much and let go good opportunities, get real guys no one is behind you if you have job and not done anything wrong,

    I really don't care when I get my GC as long as they renew my EAD ( I am on my foruth EAD)


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  • VivekAhuja
    09-17 01:42 PM
    Vivek Ahuja - Apparently you didnt read the note completely or misunderstood it. All we are saying is be consistent or give our money back.

    Yes, we chose to come COZ we were offered to come. We are not complaining here. We want them to follow basic rules.

    On a side note, if they dont need immigrants not sure why they created H1B?

    No one is doing anyone any favor here. We want everyone do their job.

    And not sure whats your agenda of sending this note other than being extremely rude and ignorant.


    I know the truth hurts but just because it is the truth does not mean it is rude or ignorant. Be realistic!

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  • Tito_ortiz
    03-09 11:36 AM
    Ash0210, how come you have been here for 12 years without GC?? Can you tell me?

    I am from retrogressed country, I am here for last 12 years & did not got depressed as I do not have GC. In my early years in USA, I used to get depress as I was not having GC but then I started thinking...Is GC is the ONLY important thing in my life?

    I started concentrating on my work, constrained my self on checking now& then PDs, LUD's. If feellt depresssed - listening Indian classical music and involving in local commuitiy activities/helping kids in their studies..

    Life is beautiful, GC is just part of my life and GC do not drives my life..


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  • mchatrvd
    09-11 11:06 AM
    I am seeing lot of heat and frustration out here and it is understandable to whole extent. First of all, I am a DC/MD/VA state chapter member and working towards achieving goals of getting GC in one year. Sounds funny right!!!! But it is true. We are working at grass roots with the National Leadership of IV to get things going at individual constituency level. I just posted this on another thread on IV. You might be knowing that DC Metro area should be having thousands of professionals making good money and stuck in this mess!!! Thousands!!! Do you know how many active members we have for this chapter!!! around 160!!!! Do you know how many turn up for weekly chapter meeting!!! 15!!!! But we are fortunate two have these 15 people who are putting their time and effort to talk to lawmakers.... These people also donate money. By the way these people are mix of EB 2 and EB 3. Do not try to create this division of EB2 and EB3. Some of the people running this IV have their green card but they are still putting in their time for you guys to lobby....It just takes 25$ each month to become donor but people don't want to do that. Don't think that IV will show you proof of concept for you to start donating. If you cannot volunteer, just keep quiet and wait for next VB. I also know that people cannot make to state chapter meeting because of commitments, distance etc. Understandable but have they asked state chapter via email what all they can do in their constituency to sort this out......Join State Chapter and see what all IV is doing...You guys have no idea what all is going on behind....If you think you can least start donating and more important....start volunteering with your state chapter....If thousands of us start screaming to our lawmakers will not need money to lobby anymore.....

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  • sheela
    08-08 06:01 PM
    Last night got a message welcome notice sent.

    Today message changed to ( the dates shows yesterday)

    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On August 7, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    Enjoy freedom


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  • Caliber
    07-28 10:21 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    A great explanation. Your challenge is good. Those who oppose this, should come forward to check if there are really no qualified US Citizens available for their jobs.

    I know many L1 employees of Cognizant who come on L1 as Managers with just 2 years of Experience and file in EB1. Sad part is few people use Legal loopholes and screw all others.

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  • guy03062
    07-06 07:44 PM
    30th June.

    Hey when have u mailed ur papers?????29thjune or 30th june and when is ur PD?



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  • rk07
    09-28 10:25 AM

    I just want to share some goods news from side.

    All my checks got cashed today. I applied on July 23rd at NSC and got the receipt #'s from WAC.

    I hope who ever is waiting for RN's they will get soon.


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  • Sachin_Stock
    09-24 04:28 PM
    I refuse to even comment on that analogy. :rolleyes:


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  • ramaonline
    05-11 12:30 PM
    On h1b u can start any business as long as the investment is passive. (something like investing in stocks, real estate etc) You cannot actively work for your business. The same applies to h4.

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  • apahilaj
    12-07 03:50 PM
    When the cases gets shuffled around the country from NSC to CSC and back, the dtabases are separate. FP notices are generated when information on different databases are alligned together.


    Would you mind letting me know how did you find out about this database allignment information? Did any IO or any USCIS official told you about this?


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  • perm
    08-06 02:35 PM
    My checks cashed. Mailed I485-EB2, EAD, AP on June 29th, reached USCIS - NSC on July 2nd 10:25 am by Fedex. Checks cashed on 8/3 - Still not be able to see the back side of the image for RD etc. My I-140 was approved last year from TSC.

    I was expecting my case to be transfered rom NSC to TSC!!?? also NO lud on I-140 case so far.

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  • CADude
    03-26 07:15 PM
    Unless congress change law you are dreaming.. :D:D:D:D

    EB3-India with PD 2003 and before - Most will be out by December 2008 -
    Perhaps 10% may still rot in NC further.
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2004 - DEC 2004 - Most will be out by August 2009
    Perhaps 20% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India with PD JAN 2005 - April 2005 - Most will be out by April 2010
    Perhaps 5% may still rot in NC
    EB3-India May 2005 Onwards - Can not predict - It is good to look for other
    options and that option certainly MUST not
    be switching to EB2


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  • sidd
    04-19 07:25 PM
    Hi Folks,

    Has anyone recently done Canadian Landing with pending 485 and any issues re-entering US with AVR/H1B/Advance Parole?

    Any problem with H1-B stamping the same visit as you do Canadian Landing?

    Can one apply for a 'Canadian Visitor Visa', while there is a valid (not used) Canadian PR Immigration Visa stamp in your passport?

    I would appreciate your replies/experiences.


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  • sam2006
    07-20 10:08 AM
    nice job guys

    I think we should extend it till monday atleast

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  • ramboom1
    05-03 10:11 AM
    We have to go to a consulate in our home country to get VISA stamping.
    1000's of us are affected. SKIL bill Section 402 is addressing this.

    12-11 09:36 PM
    I have mentioned IV to a some Indians. They have no interest. Some of them are not bothered about retrogression. They exepect the GC to fall in their lap while they are sipping tea and eating samosa.

    Also, it is hard to trust a mainly Indian set up. The Indian contracting companies have set a very shameless level. I told my friends that IV appears different but it is hard to change your opinion when you see something else 10 times a day.

    I apolozie to the sensitive Indians if I this is breaking news. But this is the general feeling and a reason for hate in the blogs: where there is smoke there is fire. It is embarassing.

    For the life of me, I couldn't figure this out either.
    I also don't understand why most of EB applicants are so oblivious to the EB-based immigration situation.
    I am from ROW, and I could only shake my head in disbelief when one of my Indian friends asked me innocently if the 'situation' was 'really that bad'?
    If there really are 600K EB applicants, and all we can get is 6K members, then perhaps we deserve the crappy situation we find ourselves in today.

    10-11 04:09 PM
    Wakeup guys/gals, work for FIFO otherwise your wait will be 2 days to 100 days on RIRO process.

    Please participate in tomorrow teleconference with CIS Ombudsman�s office. This will be last chance to force and allow FIFO Don't let miss this Golden opportunity.

    Details provided in many tread.

    July VB Fiasco I-485 Receipting Delays

    The USCIS has yet to release the detailed progress report on the receipting delays in terms of the numbers that have yet to be processed for receipting. The only thing people know through various private websites just indicates that there are a plenty of people who are still waiting for filing fee checks cashed or receipt notices received for the cases which were filed as early as July 2, 2007, not to mention any later cases.

    We reported earlier that the USCIS had allegedly received total of 800,000 cases for the July VB fiasco cases. There is an unconfirmed report that they have completed the receipting only half way through of the total, meaning approximately 400,000. There are no sources of information to verify or confirm the figures. However, if it is correct, the USCIS has yet to process mountains of receipting workloads ahead and the filers have some additional sleepless nights which they will have to endure for a while. AMEN!

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