Sunday, July 3, 2011

Funny Pictures Of Zoo Animals

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  • techysingh
    08-01 06:48 PM
    My I140 was approved at California center and my 485 is sent to Nebraska on june 22. Is that a problem?

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  • kysrek
    06-14 03:40 PM
    It was applied to Nebraska. But I guess it was forwarded.

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  • kumar1
    02-12 02:08 PM
    Sledge_Hammer - You are so shallow in your thinking!

    Every rule in this world has a human aspect. I urge you to grow up. Immigration rules in this country are so complex that even lawyers conflict with each other. We are simple human beings and most of the time we do not fully understand the law. Yes, it does not give us the authority to break the law, however, there are times when you become "out of status" by just sitting at home. There are times when you become victim of situation. I have 1000s of refugees in my city who flee Yugoslavia/Bosnia during ethnic cleansing/genocide of 1990s. US working with UN gave them refugee status and most of them have green cards now. Some of them lost sons, some of them lost fathers and they all have stories to tell. Do I go there with my MS/BS degree and tell them that I was in the line before and I should have gotten the GC before them? No! Do I curse the system for that? No! When countries fall apart and when morality/humanity hits the rock bottom, rules, status go right out of the window.

    Please do not be so harsh on forums.

    I do not have anything personal against you but there are times when you are very harsh on individuals and that changes the whole course of discussion.

    D%ck weed, I came to this country with the intention of studying and then working, but to do so legally. I came to this country very well knowing that I have to maintain my legal status, regardless of the circumstances.

    So to counter your sophomoric point - yes, it does not matter if you have spent your prime years working here, it does not matter if you have loans in India, it does not matter if your wife is on H4, it does not matter if your child is a US citizen, it does not matter if you did your masters here, it does not matter if you are from IIT, it does not matter if you're employed through a consultant, it does not matter if you're employed full-time with a "proper" company, it does not matter if your parents in India are sick and you need to send them money; THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU SHOULD BE MAINTAINING LEGAL IMMIGRATION STATUS BECAUSE YOU CAME TO THIS COUNTRY KNOWING THAT!

    So stop complaining @ss wipe and go back and learn to spell and fix your grammar.

    >>>>>>Do you have a brain?
    >>>>>>So why the hell u came to the country
    >>>>>>u ask them to go to their home country is it

    Thinking in your native tongue and translating to another language is NOT a very effective way to communicate. And for god's sake, spell 'you' the way it is and don't short hand it to 'u'. That's the most annoying thing people like you do.

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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:33 PM
    Great job.. This is exactly what we need.. National coverage on this issue..

    What is it with posting the same message on every post? You are spamming the forum


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  • CADude
    08-02 11:04 AM
    Your check will be cashed any day now. :)

    My case was received by NSC on Jun 25th. No word yet. My I-140 is from Texas. Very worrying situation,

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  • trd
    07-20 10:23 AM
    I Pledge $100


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  • GCard_Dream
    05-23 12:27 PM
    Sent emails to 4 Senators so far and continuing with the rest.

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  • Diego Zoo#39;s Wild Animal

  • PDOCT05
    08-28 09:16 AM
    I have seen several July 2nd Filers at NSC whose cases Transferred to TSC are getting receipts.That's good sign...,Does any july 3rd filer got receipt?


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  • immigrationvoice1
    03-26 10:04 AM
    Wanted to know what the members here think of the probability of receiving RFE from USCIS to find out whether the applicant is still in a "same or similar" job when the time comes to adjudicate cases for for EB3 India.

    I ask this because in a poll conducted in a separate thread, it seems the number of people waiting for their GCs are more with PDs before Dec 2004 than after that date.

    When the dates become current again for these people, do you think USCIS will be sending RFEs to get the employment information for every single of them ? Is there is a percentage from the pending applications that they pick for RFE, assuming all applicants who changed employers DID NOT notify USCIS when they changed jobs OR is it completely up to the whims of the adjudicating officer to send an RFE ?

    There are several people I know who changed employers with EAD, never notified USCIS and got their GCs without any RFE. Trying to understand whether USCIS will think twice before sending RFEs for everyone as the number of applicants waiting with PDs of 2004 and earlier are huge now than ever before. Won't it be too overwhelming for them to issue RFEs to all and manage their responses?

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  • gatsat
    08-28 04:19 PM
    Even me too


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  • Sachin_Stock
    09-23 02:15 PM
    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.

    If portings from Eb3 to Eb2 are legit, and you still consider that to be fraud, then everybody's Eb-2 applications (resulting from with or without porting) are potential frauds.

    Thats a ridiculous assumption!

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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:57 PM
    My reaction would have been the same if you were in Eb1 category. The fact is that I am trying to mobilize some people to get few things done. Of course, motivated by my self interest.
    I am sorry SunnySurya but this issue DOES concern me. If everyone starts asking the IV core for their time just for their own issues, what about the rest of the community?

    If you expect the IV core to dedicate it's time JUST for a particular secction of people, then you need to justify that demand.

    In your opinion, EB3 is a LOWLY category as compared to EB2. So it is not enough that Nurses feed from it and just about EVERYONE else feeds from it. To top it off, overflow from eb1 goes FIRST to eb2 and then (and almost NEVER) to eb3. SO Eb2 gets a fair chunk of the greed cards, and over and above that you now want the IV core to further drop everything else and help JUST eb2 out? And who should make this demand? None other than someone who is trying to BREAK the community up into Eb2 vs Eb3.


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  • ub27
    02-17 10:07 AM
    Donated $50.
    Paypal transaction ID: 4P412963A81144324

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  • pappu
    07-21 10:08 AM
    IV will have more money to do advocacy events like the one that just happened. More media spending, more coverage.

    This is correct. You not only need funds but also lot of warm sweaty bodies. !!

    We need many people working everyday continuously over a period of time. It cannot be --"As and when I get time, i will try. Or I am already contributing by posting ideas on the forum. Or I am EB2 and my date will be current soon so I do not really care, I am not desperate for green card so do not bother me by contacting me. Or IV is for EB2 and I am EB3. Or IV is for Indians and I am ROW." Stop thinking IV just a forum like other forums of lawyers or trackers where the aim is to make money from the long wait and run a business. Here we want to fix the problem so that we no longer need Immigration Voice and all of us can move on in our lives and professional careers.

    There have been times when we evaluated our decision of continuing this work after hearing lot of negative comments from our community or seeing lack of participation. A recent proof is the recent funding drive for advocacy day and our thousands of phone calls to members asking them to come to DC. It is not easy to organize any event and it takes lot of planning and funds. None of the members who used to write negative posts after every visa bulletin urging IV to do an event in DC came to DC event or even contributed. Many in the IV team are still involved with this effort even after getting their greencards only to succeed in what we all started out to do together. The commitment needs to be there so that many people can help out even during the day time. One option is for members to have their homemaker spouses volunteer for IV work. We have so many ideas we can work on if there are more sincere people who commit to helping out. Funds are also important. AILA has a budget of 13 million dollars/yr and they can do a lot in terms of advocacy, filing lawsuits, talking with offices on regular basis, organizing conferences each year where lawyers pay to hear USCIS officials, media outreach, meeting other organizations etc etc . They have people in DC to go and meet offices on daily basis. Likewise anti-immigrants too have millions of dollar budgets. You do not see their forums filled with posts of infighting. suspicion and baseless arguments that we have. Many of our posts do not even project us as well educated and mature individuals. We can blame whoever we want-- employers, government, lawyers, karma.... but the real reason why this retrogression problem still exists is because all of us in the community have allowed it to exist. Only we are responsible for the success and failure of our efforts. Nothing is impossible if we have strength and resolve to advocate our issues.


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  • bomber
    07-20 12:12 PM
    I pledge $100. Keep it up... yey baby !!!!!

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  • amits
    07-20 06:40 AM
    I'm in ... $100 from my side.

    We're lucky that IV leadership is so devoted to 'our' cause. There would be very few individuals in this world, who can even think of selling their house for benefit of a group. Hats off to Aman!!! You're a hero, sir!!!

    Now here is our leader selling his personal house for a collective good, and here we are.... a group of 21000 and not more than 2000 (optimistic figure) are contributors... A big shame!!

    Those who got benefited by selfless efforts of Aman, and core team, but still did not contribute ... do you have any explanation for 'yourself'?

    It's not about $10, 20, 50, 100 .... A person is ready to sell his house for your cause and you can't even make a small contribution in your own cause.

    Those who are not contributing, and some who still have doubts, just read numerous media reports of praise of IV and how IV was instrumental in the outcome of July 2nd visa mess. And then..

    Just stand up in front of a mirror and ask yourself - is your inaction justified? Is it your pocket that does not allow you to contribute or it's just moral poverty that doesn't let you do it? Is it justified to just 'wait and watch' how others fight for you, and when it comes to reaping the fruits.. you'll run to be first in line.

    Is it not the time that you come out, listen to your antar-atma (inner soul) and contribute something for your own fight....?

    Contributed $550, includes $50 recurring from july 2007.
    Pledging $100 for this thread.


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  • eb2_mumbai
    08-09 10:22 AM
    I think guys writing to individual congressmen will do nothing other than you getting a standard response that they empathize with your case. Here are some practical cases. Any eligible Eb3 person who can upconvert to eb2 should do it immediately. Second we need to educate USCIS about misuse of EB1 category where Project Managers are being included. Third is misuse of work experience in EB2 category where people have used fake experience letters to jack up their resume. USCIS should ask a sealed letter from some reputable background investigation company to validate the years and quality of experience that people claim they have same should be done to their degrees and certificates.

    If we clean up the process the honest people will benefit from this. I am sure I will get lots of red for this but that will point to # of cheats on the forum who want to shut my voice

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  • mqualique
    05-01 02:22 PM
    My good faith best understanding is FB2 is not far behind. please refer VB.

    Even though right now FB2 is not far behind the gap will progressively increase due to post given below. Consider 2 glasses half full. If you pour 50% water from 1 glass to another 1 glass will be 75% full(EB) and other glass will be 25%full(FB).

    Even if FB 2 almost has same priority date as EB 2 or 3 once the EB dependents quota gets counted against FB quota almost half of the EB backlog would move to FB which will cause progression in EB dates and retrogression in FB dates. Anyway I think simple1 point is definitely a good point and worthy of further discussion and clarification from attorneys.

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  • rbharol
    10-17 01:49 AM

    I have a feeling that the restrictionists may seek to attach HR 6283 along with the SKIL Bill to any appropriations bill...the restrionists have long been trying to cut family immigration (which they call chain migration)..what do you think?

    NUmbers USA are asking members to send this fax to their representative...


    Dear Representative XX

    I believe that cosponsoring H.R. 6283 is the single most important immigration action you can take right now to remove injustices caused by too-high immigration and to move US toward environmental sustainability.

    Until the late 1950s, America's immigration tradition of family unity had only included spouses and minor children. Since then, however, immigrants also have been allowed to sponsor send for their siblings, parents and adult children for legal admission into this country.

    Because each of those can then bring in their own adult relatives and nuclear family, a single immigrant can eventually be responsible for the arrival in the United States of his/her aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, first cousins, second cousins once-removed, in a spiraling chain that eventually could reach most of the world's six billion-plus residents.

    Our immigration policy, particularly as it pertains to “chain migration,” is out of control. Please put an end to it by supporting H.R. 6283.

    Anti Immigrants will keep doing what they are doing and they have been doing it for long.
    They have to give strong argument in favour of their claims.
    Somebody can't just say we don't like the color of their skins so we do not want them here.

    Let them present their views to the lawmakers and lets do our part.

    I do not really like the idea of posting NumbersUSA posts here.
    I do not mean to offend you.

    07-19 08:59 PM
    $200 just tell me how and when

    04-07 05:15 AM
    If you are depressed, consider volunteering your time for immigrationvoice. Your frustration with the system can be a useful motivation in changing this system.

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