Monday, July 4, 2011

Penelope Cruz Movies

images Penelope Cruz is promoting her Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz to star in next
  • Penelope Cruz to star in next

  • logiclife
    10-08 01:45 PM
    Excuse me for being a little blunt...but

    People really need to stand up and see what it takes to bring about change. People are loathe to drive 10 miles and attend a state chapter meeting, and you want to overhaul a system to the extent that you get credit for time/experience in US?

    I am not saying its a good or bad thing. What I am saying is, what you are asking for is a major overhaul. GC is driven by A PARTICULAR POSITION offered by A PARTICULAR EMPLOYER, where its proven that NO US CITIZEN WAS WILLING, QUALIFIED AND ABLE TO do the job. How can your previous job get you credit for such a position and petition driven GC process? If you want that, then system needs major change where GC is not drive by one particular job offer from one particular employer who sponsors you.

    So basically, you are looking for a RADICAL change in the system. Nothing wrong with dreaming, but kindly show some friggin activity and effort on your part before putting up new ideas on forums.

    Otherwise if you are sitting around and

    1. Offering new innovative ideas for GC reform on forum posts that lawmakers dont read.

    2. Never go to lawmaker meetings in DC or locally or attend any local meetups of IV.

    3. Cancel recurring contributions as soon as your EAD card shows up in your mailbox.

    Then please, keep your really creative and excellant ideas to yourself. Because Ted Kennedy is not going to change the system and give you credit for working here since 1999 or 1929 and reset your PD to 1999 or 1929 BASED ON YOUR BRILLIANT IDEAS on forum posts.

    wallpaper Penelope Cruz to star in next Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz Movies
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  • silveroaks
    02-13 04:55 PM
    I have donated 50$ by check today and will try to make it there.
    Question for the organizers: If we just concentrate on the visa recapture bill, is that not a one shot solution for all issues. Because as per a very respected lawyer, that will make all EB categories current and will stay there for at least 2 more years.


    Penelope Cruz Movies. Penélope Cruz
  • Penélope Cruz

  • h1techSlave
    02-02 04:45 PM
    Blacks, Latinos and even us Indians have reservation in the US. We get reservations right from Kinder garden, thru college and job opportunities. Many Federal govt. contracts are reserved for minorities and women.


    Simple ... Blacks and Latinos are minority in US... and in India so called Backward Castes are the Majority and in a Democracy MAJORITY RULES! .. so Reservations Persists in India!!! :)

    2011 Penelope Cruz Movies Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz didn#39;t realise
  • Penelope Cruz didn#39;t realise

  • bheemi
    06-21 02:02 PM
    I would request as whole us know that CIR will not comeup this yeat..I would request if there is any plan IV is mkaing in this regard. I dont think waiting until end of July and then proceed for new bill is good way...

    I would request to look for some alternatives from now itself..atleast filing 485 under retrogression and 3 year ead/ap..

    any thoughts about this?


    Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz in Nine 2009
  • Penelope Cruz in Nine 2009

  • krishnam70
    07-10 02:43 PM
    Looks like CNN - India covered the our flower campaign story on TV!

    Just got an SMS from India!

    no wonder they are talking about impeachment of GWB and Sr Mcain's press conf. no news of this protest.. I like the way Michael moore trashed them yesterday in his live interview with Wolf on why and how CNN neglected his story all along..

    CNN sucks big time and others are not too far behind

    Penelope Cruz Movies. (Penelope kissing her sister,
  • (Penelope kissing her sister,

  • raj3078
    10-30 10:48 AM
    You guys are making me sick and making me think that you are lobbying for numbersusa and alikes.....

    Senthil1 -
    Are you working for numbersusa? Do you know that it is made by white supremist who dont want any colored skin including native americans to be alive in US? Talk about your scare of getting too many people with substandard MS degrees. Do you not realize that the companies in USA knows a different in good US school and Bad one - So in nutshell the people from bad school wont get job? Do you know that there is nature's rule - Fittest Survival... So in case you are fit enough and qualified enough to get a job then you will get one, it does not matter if you are from good or bad school....
    Also, looking at your thoughts, it does not appear that you are MIT or Stanford grade material, so do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself....

    Ombudsman - There is a questionmark on Senthil1's origination but we have no such doubt about yours.. You are definitely a MOLE in this IV Organization and the only reason they keep you on board is because this is democracy and we dont want to throw out someone who might disagree - Its about freedom of expression - But when Freedom of expression crosses the line and creates poison pill then we need to weed it out I guess.....
    In any case, I would definitely like to challenge your argument about 400 anti: 1 pro immigration calls. Are you aware of Avertising world rule that when someone does not like soemthing, they tend to tell at least 25 people about it, while when someone likes something, they might tell 1 person. In this case, this classic rule has applied beyond expectations because people who are calling are already racist who sit on their ass and expect all colored people to be their slaves and get things done for them. They want their mexican maid or indian computer programmer doing things for them but the moment they realize that these foreigners might get citizenship and be equal to them, they dont like that.... (and so do you)....So there you go....No wonder they pick up phone and dial....In any case, what better can they do?

    We cannot reject numbersusa and other organizartion's ideas. As our people are suffering in retrogession some of their people and their families are impacted because of job loss in past. So we cannot tell that they do not have crediblity. They have some valid points also though some of them are absurd. But we need to understand them and try to elimimate their fears also.

    QUOTE=purgan]when american's from such third rate schools are not getting jobs, do you seriously think foreigners with their funny accents and relatively poor English communication skills (I'm Indian and can tell you its still a second language to me) can get jobs??

    The market has a way of regulating itself. As someone mentioned above, there were a a lot of H1 space available from 2001-03. But it never got filled because there were simply not enough jobs. Lets not try to set up govenment intervention here....let the free market decide....that is what made this country great.

    btw, NumbersuSA, FAIR and other restrictionist organizations have zero credibility because they oppose even legal immigration.

    That poll....don't impress me much...[/QUOTE]


    Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz Promoting Nine
  • Penelope Cruz Promoting Nine

  • raju123
    05-24 07:42 AM
    Yesterday night, I sent email to all 100 senator again.

    Today, I will start calling them again

    2010 Penélope Cruz Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz is promoting her
  • Penelope Cruz is promoting her

  • pd052009
    09-23 01:50 PM
    Dude... Whatz up?

    If someone ports from EB3 to EB2, then they deserve to be in the front of the queue. Nothing wrong in the process..

    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.


    Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz To Play Love
  • Penelope Cruz To Play Love

  • humdesi
    12-16 06:56 PM
    ..Having said this, I think I am looking back to go to india after couple more years of stay...
    contributions $500
    Eveyone says that. Nobody actually goes back.

    hair Penelope Cruz didn#39;t realise Penelope Cruz Movies. Penelope Cruz Stresses Herself
  • Penelope Cruz Stresses Herself

  • sina
    08-27 01:20 PM
    Case was filed on July 6th (485, 131 and 765). Not sure when it reached NSC.
    I-140 approved from TSC in 2006.
    No receipts and no checks cashed yet.:(


    Penelope Cruz Movies. Photo from quot;Penelope Cruz
  • Photo from quot;Penelope Cruz

  • guchi472000
    03-26 09:41 AM
    My PD is EB2 Nov 2006.

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  • Penelope Cruz#39;s cleavage,

  • smisachu
    10-08 06:28 PM


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  • diptam
    06-27 11:53 AM
    Point1) makes me perplexed - Can there be agreements with open ended
    time periods.

    But whatever is the exit strategy i will end up paying almost $10,000 as lawyer fees.

    There are many points on which this agreement can be defended.
    1. No fixed time period. Staying upto 1 year after getting GC is same as saying work until the car engine for the company CEO's car goes out. Nobody can predict either one.
    2. Usually waiver of filing lawsuit by employee involves sum of money for its consideration. Many employer pay employee month salary (or part/multiple) to offer agreement for not suing. Agreement terms without consideration are usually null and void. For example, I can't have agreement with you that you will deliver free newspaper without stating consideration/compensation for you.
    3. Company can claim for GC Expenses and other related expenses if employee leaves within reasonable and agreed period. So probably $10,000 is in the agreement to cover that.

    Now for the bad news, defending this agreement could cost much more than $10,000, besides time and hassles. More so, if employee and employer are in two different states as employer can file suit in their state. In short, $10,000 is cost of moving out of this job at the time of your choice. You could also look at it as the added cost of GC.

    I suggest you should consider making a plan to move in your life and career. As they say, freedom is priceless.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at

    tattoo (Penelope kissing her sister, Penelope Cruz Movies. Spanish movie star Penelope
  • Spanish movie star Penelope

  • kshitijnt
    05-10 12:37 AM
    I can very well relate to your desperation and anger, but please don't react emotionally. The legal or technical fact remains that no-one guranteed us GC and truth of the matter is most of us said "No" when immigration officer asked " do you have plans to settle in State?" So their is no question of equitable treatment.

    . No Sir, I can't say thier is conspiracy as I know of none. As of us doing favor? ... is completly wrong, we all knew what and why we are coming here for. Had we had better choice we would have opted for that. Let's be honest to ourselves.

    That my friend is captilism and welcome to USA. No I am not going to accept, but I am also not going to wave my fist in air and cry in-justices.

    I am sorry to sound rude and know you must be going thru a lot and this news made things worst for you, as they did for all of us. But lets also accept the truth and believe me, things will change .... they will, when? I don't know but they will. Just don't lose hope.

    Until 2005 I did not want to settle here and hence I marked no on my visa application. After 2005, I changed my mind and we had applied twice (me and my spouse) and hence we marked yes on the question whether any immigrant application was filed on our behalf. No we did not lie there. And even if many people did, do you think those who come from Europe or visa free countries mark "yes" when they apply first time? So your point is moot there. Most people from visa free countries come here work here visa free and go back. They never even get asked a question. How come we get fingerprinted, photographed twice, interrogated twice and yet targeted when it comes to GC?

    I am not against capitalism but I am against fighting injustice such as you dont get GC because you were born in India. And yes change will come but if we dont do anything we get nothing.


    pictures Penelope Cruz Promoting Nine Penelope Cruz Movies. Real life couple PENELOPE CRUZ
  • Real life couple PENELOPE CRUZ

  • mariner5555
    08-13 01:56 PM
    My attorney just emailed me, she received receipt notices for 485, EAD and AP for both me and my wife.

    My application was received on July 2nd 9:01 AM, if it matters it was signed by R Mickels. Also, there is no LUD change on my I140 application, so I guess LUD changes on I-140 mean nothing.

    I have not seen the notices yet so I dont know what the notice dates are.
    which center guessing NSC but guys please post the center too

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  • Penelope Cruz Talks Baby and

  • mqualique
    05-01 02:22 PM
    My good faith best understanding is FB2 is not far behind. please refer VB.

    Even though right now FB2 is not far behind the gap will progressively increase due to post given below. Consider 2 glasses half full. If you pour 50% water from 1 glass to another 1 glass will be 75% full(EB) and other glass will be 25%full(FB).

    Even if FB 2 almost has same priority date as EB 2 or 3 once the EB dependents quota gets counted against FB quota almost half of the EB backlog would move to FB which will cause progression in EB dates and retrogression in FB dates. Anyway I think simple1 point is definitely a good point and worthy of further discussion and clarification from attorneys.


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  • Penelope Cruz

  • Saralayar
    03-16 06:57 PM
    some useful info from Ron gotcher
    I do not see any article related to the EB3 prediction in the URL link you have provided.

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  • Penelope Cruz Movie Poster

  • subdhar
    08-24 01:35 PM
    did you get this approval from TSC or nebraska??

    hairstyles Photo from quot;Penelope Cruz Penelope Cruz Movies. Movie still from the Broken
  • Movie still from the Broken

  • gkattalu
    08-20 12:53 PM

    Please hang in there. I am sure you will get yours card soon...

    For various reasons, I got my greencard 14 years after entering this country and 14years after getting my Ph.D. Life throws up challenges and we have to face them with courage.

    Ha ha Congrats....

    Story of my life. I complain about delay with my application. Someone joins me and tells me they are in the same boat and the very next day that someone leaves the boat and jumps into "greener" pastures. Everyone is leaving the boat and I seem to be left out :(

    Who else are in my boat? (Application with an officer for over 2 weeks and still status = "Initial Review")

    09-03 10:42 PM
    I actually spoke to Customer service and I got 2 very different responses.

    1. Wait till you are an old man and then the cards may just come !! (Just Kidding ) she actually said wait for 90 days.

    2. Another CSR told me that the TSC is having technical issues and they are not able to access the Biometric information on approved 485's in their systems. She advised me to download Form I-90 from the USCIS site and fill that in and send it in - if you have a minor on the petition then also send 2 passport size pictures of the minor - this will allow them to access the Biometric screen when they process the I-90. We will get Biometric notices and the Minor will get the card - the Grown ups will get the Cards after the Biometrics are uploaded.

    I have not done this - eventhough I downloaded the I-90 forms - I took a INFOPASS appt and if they suggest that I should do a I-90 then I can get that done right on the spot - I am carrying the filled I-90 with me. Anyhow I-90 is usually submitted to correct errors on the card or to replace a card - however this woman sounded quite knowledgeable - but then there are issues realted to where the I-90 should be sent - this is specially complicated if your case has been transferred a few times like mine was.

    Best is to check with the guys/gals at Infopass -meeting.

    All this was from the rep at the TSC - so not sure if this is applicable to all centers.


    I will post my Infoapss exp on the 9th of september.

    Thanks for the info.

    I heard some where that the problem with accessing with Biometrics for the transfered cases.

    I applied in TSC but was sent to CSC, got the AP and EAD from CSC and sent back to TSC for 485. All my numbers start with WAC...

    So, may be this is happening for the cases like mine...

    Is your case also in the similar lines...

    07-02 08:27 AM
    I am starting this thread for the july filers to track right from fedex delivery to Receipt Number, EAD and APO .Let post the details.

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