Friday, July 1, 2011

Call Of Duty Black Ops First Strike Wallpaper

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  • reddymjm
    06-08 12:19 PM
    looks like NSC is not working at all on receipts today.

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  • reachinus
    08-09 10:31 AM
    Why are you not taking EB1 into account where the diff is 9 - 10 years. I came to US on L1 in 2001 Then applied for EB3 in 2004 which was deneied in 2006. Then started in EB2 in 2006. So if you consider, I have been here since 2001 not that I just come in 2006. Like the same way you too move up in your career and then apply for EB2.

    There is no reason people who are here from 1999, and still does not have a GC, for a person who is EB2- 2006 why USCIS give priority? Let EB2 and Eb3 category move hand in hand they already gave some relief to EB2, now they should move EB-3, people are waiting whose priroty dates are Year 2002, but if a EB-2 just came on 2007 gets Green Card that is unfair, One year gap is ok between Eb-2 & EB-3 but not 5 years.

    I personally believe there are limitations for IV or any other organisation to influence the Political and Economic force that are existing in this world nowadays. Even if we lobby even if we talk, even if we gather, if those kind of forces are not benefitted in the form of votes(for power)(lobbying economically also depends on the personality of that person who you want to influence) nothing solid is going to happen. That is the TRUTH. But TRUTH sometimes is undigestable and it hurts a lot, and especially people who is having an agenda it hurts a lot! As always appreciate the work and sacrifices IV is doing for the immigrant community. Due to family and Work commitments could not involve actively.

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  • english_august
    07-09 02:55 PM
    I hope everyone is sending out the press release to their media contacts. As you all know, this event is not centrally co-ordinated and everyone has been really proactive in getting the word out.

    Same goes for the media contact as well. No single person is emailing/faxing this information out - everyone is doing his or her bit.

    Since most of the coverage will come from journalists local to the D.C. area, members there should be particularly aggressive in calling local newspapers, radio stations, tv stations etc.

    Let's give this thing one big push.

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  • gk_2000
    11-17 09:24 PM
    not "To easy the pain caused"

    To ease the pain


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  • krishnam70
    07-11 07:02 PM
    Are you a journalist by any chance? :D

    As i mentioned in the thread Gandhigiri in one of my first posts to support the flower campaign idea.. Rosa parks was the inspiration for MLK in this country for the civil disobedience This is very similar to how Gandhiji got the idea of Satyagraha from - guess who? Kasturba Gandhi.

    We need to carry on more things like this in a non-violent way at grassroots level to increase the visibility. Imagine what Gandhiji did in the 1940's with the entire media controlled by the Brits and with no other medium of communication available. We are in a far better situation right now we have access to media, can create our own blogs and we should use it to make our presence felt and highlight the injustice done to us.

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  • dtekkedil
    07-03 07:18 AM
    It is good to know that there are a few willing to do something about this!

    But we need more people!

    Even about 50 people is a good start! Come on people... spare a few minutes and take part in this protest!

    Don't go on with your lives as if nothing happened and don't think that nothing will happen!

    Most of us come from the land of Gandhiji... most of us have forgotten what that one little man achieved! But the fact is he couldn't have achieved everything that he did if the people of India didn't believe!

    So start to believe people! You can make a difference!


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  • CoD: Black Ops First Strike

  • kuhelica2000
    01-30 06:20 PM
    This is plain simple illegal to secure H1B without a job. Period. There is no question of moral or ethical issues here.

    Moral and ethcial issues come with legal situations; like labor usb is legal but one can question whether it is etical. Same goes with PD porting. It's legal but one might question if it is ethical.

    Geeting H1 through bodyshops showing false employment is a fraud. It's high time we reported all these fraud to DOL.


    as long as there is a leeway, people do tend to take the maximum advantage of that leeway. this applies in life in every aspect. OP did the same.

    being moral or ethical is not the criterion here I guess, otherwise we would all have (I,C) have been current ( if no labor subs, eb3 to eb2 conversions etc).

    I feel bad too, seeing some one who landed on H1B in 2006 , got hold of a 2002 labor sub. and is enjoying GC right now(thanks to July 2007 fiasco)., and for crying out loud I have been in USA since 2001, went to school here, is working in a physical science research position, have one patent and filed for 2 more.

    I consider myself to have contributed to the USA, more than the guy I gave an example of (in terms of taxes, tuition, original research, etc). But does that all matter to the other guy, when he did what he did.
    that is life :D

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  • tonyHK12
    02-24 02:22 PM
    I have received the news letter and it is pretty neat. But you know, many people are busy. So my suggestion was to send out another simple version with only the Advocacy day link with a request for contribution.

    Will check with StarSun. maybe a weekly mail with our funding status


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  • gsc999
    12-18 08:18 PM
    Call me or e-mail me if you feel depressed. I have a long list of action items here with me that you could help me out with:)

    I don't promise a cure but that will definitely turn your mind away from all this melancholy

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  • alterego
    12-10 12:58 PM
    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

    This guys ignorance is clear and not based in the reality of the world today. He and his kind think by keeping those like us out, they can influence the demand supply dynamics of the labour market, indeed shallow, hillbilly economics.
    That would perhaps have been true 25 yrs ago when capital was relatively locked in.
    The reality now is Capital is freely mobile even if skills are not (and that too is open to debate due to the Internet) and from the looks of the trade deficits, thats one battle america is losing. If the capital flows start reversing due to such things as immigration policies, they ought to prepare for a plummetting dollar, high interest rates, mega inflation, and shortages in commodities. That will make the movie Apocalypto seem like a gentle transition.
    His kind do not realise that skilled immigrants are not a threat, they are anchors of capital/investment to this country so that their kind can continue to enjoy their current lifestyle.
    Fortunately for this great land his ignorant/xenophobic kind are a vocal but ignored minority, the last election demonstrated this. Pity that the republican party which at its core has good policies, is infested by this group.


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  • senthil1
    03-09 02:44 PM
    Actually everyone should get copy of the receipts from DOL or INS whenever company received and also they should communicate to the lawyer every 3 months to get the status. Atleast the errors due to company or Lawyers should be avoided. One may not have much control after it goes to INS or DOL but persons make sure that everything filed properly. Some lawyers promtly send copies of all the communications both inbound and outbound. That will give gc applicants chance to review the various process and they can try to correct if any discrepancy or errors

    Guys everybody has a story, in my area Labors were getting cleared in less than 1 month in mid of 2003. When my attorney filed my labor and we didn�t hear on it for 3 months, my Attorney called up the local labor dept. they told him that the person who used to do foreign labor certs met with an accident and is on extended leave, It took 13 months for the local office, by that time BECs were born, retrogression�..

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  • NIW
    11-22 12:46 AM
    I was shocked to read your post and tears rolled on my cheeks. But I admire your determination to achieve your goal. Oh my God! You are a different kind of guy, Please don't lose your hope. I really don't know what kind of cancer and what stage are you at but I believe miralcles do happen. We all will pray for you. We wish you the best. I really want to say so many things but I don't know how.

    All I say is God bless you my friend, Keep fighting and never give up.

    An unknown friend


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  • sayantan76
    07-08 03:34 PM
    I thought we have made immense progress with regard to our moral standards so that one does not have to necessarily make significant personal sacrifices to upholds ones way of life and independence. That is why I believe this is be kind of a Civil rights/Equal Employment kind of case.

    It could be argued that the supreme court has given the government authority to discriminate based on country of origin for immigration purposes.

    Supreme Court does not give the Government the authority - Supreme Court does not make laws - the legislature (Congress) does - the judiciary can review the laws and decide that it violates the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution for Citizens or go against the basic fabric of the Constitution

    That could easily be justified for new people coming into the country. Albiet it is slightly different from the case of most of us, those who are already in the process at some stage. In our case, DOS/DOL/USCIS acknowledge that we should be granted permanent residence (based on Labor) and even on such basis, is willing to extend our visas/work status indefinitely. However, we are being limited to not change employer (in case 485 is not applied) and to not change the field of work (in case 485 is applied). I think this can be argued as a violation of Equal Employment Oppurtunity by the government by a competent lawyer. Employer cannot be forced to process any immigration related paperwork against its wishes - otherwise it would infringe upon their fundamental rights as a registered business entity incorporated within US; nor can the employer be forced to take a risk that it would spend time and money hiring and training someone on EAD only to risk losing that person in a year if the 485 gets denied and so on.Even if the court does not do anything, it will go a long way in people and common people realising these issues.

    I was surprised to find that even my cousin (who has been here since 1980) did not realise that the situation is so bad until we had a discussion about my status last christmas. Most just assume that a small minority of people with wierd/complicated cases are held up for longer then 2-3-4 years.

    I am bringing these out not because I am opposed to equal treatment of folks on H1/ EAD etc - but because there are legitimate arguments both ways and unless we can prove unequivocally that there is gross miscarriage of justice in denying us this right and on the other hand - there is no disadvantage caused to anybody else by granting us this right - this idea is unlikely to see the light of the day

    while i am happy to be proven wrong - i do not see anyone in this forum having a stomach for a protracted legal battle starting with lower courts and going all the way to Supreme Court - going back to my previous point - we do not see this as a "larger than me" cause

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  • greyhair
    11-18 05:30 AM
    Completed! My wife and I sent the emails. Please tell us when to begin the phone calls.


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  • payur
    07-11 10:21 AM
    Way to go !!!!

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  • pcs
    03-08 02:15 PM
    This will really help. Simple things like posting on various web site forums about IV will be great


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  • sledge_hammer
    07-08 11:45 AM
    I think what has happened here is that DOS was frustrated with the pace in which USCIS was processing applications. So in order to push them to work faster, they made all categories current. This strategy worked and USCIS approved 60,000 visa in 15 0r 20 or however many days.

    Then USCIS communicated with DOS that annual quota has been exhausted and thus DOS published the revised bulletin.

    My 2 cents.

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  • archanais
    07-04 06:09 PM
    When I joined Company X (prior employer) I paid for H1b transfer fee and h1b renewal fee(total $3200 + $3000).
    They agreed to sponsor my green card(just to give required paperwork) and they asked me to pay GC cost, So far I have paid $1500 for labor +$1700 advertisement + $1700 for I-140 + $3750 just now to file I-485 for me and for my spouse as dates were current to my lawyer . I have labor and I-140 approved from Company X.

    I was compromising my personal life by staying away from my family and company X didn't find any client near to my home. I decided to stay at home hoping Company X will find some client near to my home. I was on a bench(no salary for a month).When I asked for a "employment letter "to file I-485 Comapny X said they can't give because they are not paying me , I said I will resign and then you give me "future employement letter". I resiged Company X( i found company Y near to my home), in 10 days they cancelled my H1b visa without informing me, gladly I found Company Y and H1b transfer took place before they could cancel my H1b. Company X is reluctant even today to give future emplyement letter.They are ready to do corp-to-corp, forthat have to pay them H1b tranfer cost of $3200(as my prior h1b got cancelled by company X) . I don't beleive its worth going back to them , but at the same time never wanted to lose $8650 green card cost.

    To join Company Y again I paid h1b transfer fee and , company Y expects me to pay Green card cost again. I am on 7th year extension. New H1b is valid till 2010(3 yr extension on I-140 approval from company X).

    Shall I start green card again with company Y ?
    Company X doesn't respond to emails/calls. There should some law to protect us from such employers. BTW Employer X was an american employer and wants to follow book-rules.Example .. informing USCIS to windraw H1b petition.

    :( I am almost in tears.

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  • gc_lover
    07-02 09:46 AM
    Yeah, I know my life sucks. I have a priority date of Jan 2003. Got filed under EB3 even though did MS here... I begged and pleaded that they atleast send it on Jan 28th. For god's sake, I was qualified all the way since June 1st. I gave all the documents necessary by June 6th itself. Well, but they had to file on 29th.

    I hear you man. I am in exact same situation. I filed on June 29th inspite of having whole July. We will see what happens. Hope we will be fine!

    Good luck!

    11-18 08:26 AM
    Done..and will ask friends to do it!

    02-05 02:19 PM
    Thanks Lasantha,
    I am the primary Applicant. And my wife is secondary applicant. Can u send me any links or a lawyers contact so i can confirm it

    I think it depends on who the primary applicant is in your Canadian PR application. If you are the primary applicant (and used your spouce's qualifications to get the extra points), you should be able to do the landing alone. But if you are the secondary applicant and your wife is the primary then I don't think you can land without her.

    I think the rule is that the secondary applicants cannot land until the primary applicant has landed. (So the secondary applicants (spouce, kids) have to land either with the primary applicant or after him.

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