Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dragon Age Rogue Build

images Are a combat spec, one of post to turn Recommended in this section lists Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon Age II: Legacy DLC,
  • Dragon Age II: Legacy DLC,

  • glus
    07-09 05:51 PM
    awsome ...did you get the list of emails i sent you via email :)

    yes, I did. Thanx.

    wallpaper Dragon Age II: Legacy DLC, Dragon Age Rogue Build. In Dragon Age: Origins,
  • In Dragon Age: Origins,

  • sanjaymk
    07-20 10:18 AM
    please count me in for $50 for this and another $50 for the core. Let me know the address for the aman kapoor reimbursement fund.


    Dragon Age Rogue Build. Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue.
  • Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue.

  • prem_goel
    08-28 07:33 AM
    one can travel outside country......

    btw somebody gave me a red dot on my posting about L1 facing issues....I was just letting people know what I've pun intended!

    2011 In Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age Rogue Build. Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue.
  • Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue.

  • sparklinks
    09-03 09:34 AM
    Don't know why my file is still pending (RD 6/18), present EAD expiring in 2 weeks..:)


    Dragon Age Rogue Build. And here is the rogue build:
  • And here is the rogue build:

  • zeta7
    07-22 07:58 PM
    I did my landing last weekend. It went smoothly. At the port of entry ( at Niagra falls) Immigration officer said that my pictures that they have will not work and they took new pictures right there. The immigration offices also explained that if i am going back to US and then entering Canada again by land , all i need to show are the landing paper that he attached with my passport. If we plan to travel by air then it might cause some issues and its better to have the card. The thing that he made clear to me is that i do not need PR card to enter Canada again by land.
    Hope this helps

    Hi MSandhu,

    Yes, that helps a lot, thanks for the info. I am leaning towards abandoning the card for now; don't think I should risk a trip to Canada again if other options are available such as traveling by car. Plus if I understand it correctly I can get a travel document from the Canadian embassy too for air travel.

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: I called up the CIC center in Canada just to confirm my options today. The person I talked to said that it's true that to enter by land, you don't need a PR card; however, you will need at least one photo ID issued by a Canadian govt agency such as a drivers license. The landing document alone won't be sufficient as it doesn't have a photograph. She advised that a travel document should be issued easily enough, as long as I've maintained the residency requirements.

    Dragon Age Rogue Build. Kas, current rogue
  • Kas, current rogue

  • ghost
    02-24 01:34 PM
    How to get added to the 'donor' forum?? ;)

    as far as I know, donor forum is for recurring contributors only...thanks for your contribution!


    Dragon Age Rogue Build. as a Rogue in Dragon Age
  • as a Rogue in Dragon Age

  • snthampi
    02-02 07:19 PM
    Lol.. majority needs reservations ??, in a class of 100 if 50 % are group A, then group has the most chance of getting jobs with the sheer attribute of having numbers to advantage, however if group A is morally corrupt and think that reservation is their birthright, then so be it. They will always suffer with prosecution complex.

    I think, people used the reservation system to get their degrees in India should be pushed back in the GC line. What do you all say?

    Just kidding :-)

    2010 Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue. Dragon Age Rogue Build. Are a combat spec, one of post to turn Recommended in this section lists
  • Are a combat spec, one of post to turn Recommended in this section lists

  • Refugee_New
    08-18 02:35 PM
    Who so ever is willing to support SunnySurya read his earlier posts.

    All I can get from his posts is MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC, MY GC.

    .................................................. ................
    Proud to be an IVian
    Supported all the campaigns so far
    $470 + $50 recurring

    Why not buddy?
    What about you nc14? Do you say YOUR GC, YOUR GC, THEIR GC, HIS GC, HER GC etc??????? and not worry about yours?


    Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon Age: Witch Hunt DLC
  • Dragon Age: Witch Hunt DLC

  • needhelp!
    02-26 01:56 PM
    With out IV, The only two things folks on the hill knew were illegal immigration and H1B visa. Now more than 75% offices know the EB issue inside out and have a position on it. This is an effort that needs to be continued until we get a solution.

    This in itself is a stupendous achievement and IV has made it possible. 2 or 3 years back you had NO VOICE. Now you have IV. Thats enough reason contribute and feel involved in the community effort.

    hair Gaberiel Hawke, melee Rogue. Dragon Age Rogue Build. As a rogue, I spent much of my
  • As a rogue, I spent much of my

  • leoindiano
    01-26 05:35 PM
    called USCIS on jan 4th, they said they are scheduling, it will take 3 weeks to get the notice, till now nothing.
    called yesterday again, this time they said 45 days. Opened SR. I am hearing no use with SR. Not sure what is going on?
    Meanwhile, i gave this procedure to a freind and they got notices.

    Can anybody tell me if there will be an LUD on i-485 when they issue a FP notice?


    Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon Age 2
  • Dragon Age 2

  • hsingh82
    09-10 09:23 PM
    My sincere apologies for being harsh on IV members, I sincerely appreciate the efforts.

    I guess Oct bulletin (EB3 - I) got me going there...

    I realize it's not fair to criticize when I am just sitting on the sidelines and not contributing to the cause.


    Good gesture rahulp!

    hot And here is the rogue build: Dragon Age Rogue Build. the top Rogue setup.
  • the top Rogue setup.

  • gc_lover
    07-03 07:20 AM
    It is good to know that there are a few willing to do something about this!

    But we need more people!

    Even about 50 people is a good start! Come on people... spare a few minutes and take part in this protest!

    Don't go on with your lives as if nothing happened and don't think that nothing will happen!

    Most of us come from the land of Gandhiji... most of us have forgotten what that one little man achieved! But the fact is he couldn't have achieved everything that he did if the people of India didn't believe!

    So start to believe people! You can make a difference!

    Instead, lets "go postal" on USCIS


    house Dragon Age: Origins. Rogue Dragon Age Rogue Build. You Play In Dragon Age II?
  • You Play In Dragon Age II?

  • dtekkedil
    07-06 12:50 PM
    Folks, I am preparing a draft of the letter to be sent to the media. Any suggestions for points to be included are welcome!

    I plan to include some information about the immigration system, details about the fiasco, how it impacted us, what our flowers are meant for.

    tattoo Kas, current rogue Dragon Age Rogue Build. The Dual Wield Rogue class is
  • The Dual Wield Rogue class is

  • wait4ever
    08-14 07:49 PM
    My question is - has anobdy got their cards without getting the CPO e-mail - I have recd the approval notice on 11th in the mail - but I have yet to get the cards also I did not get the CPO e-mail:confused:


    pictures as a Rogue in Dragon Age Dragon Age Rogue Build. A rogue combating two Qunari
  • A rogue combating two Qunari

  • snathan
    02-09 02:41 PM
    Thanks Akhil,

    Here are the details:

    Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #1E592259U64890231) $25


    Thanks a lot and wish you all the best for your new job soon.

    dresses the top Rogue setup. Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age 2
  • Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age 2

  • apahilaj
    08-06 02:40 PM
    when you are able to view the back side of the checks, could you please let us know if they have SRC or LIN for the receipt numbers? That would help lots of users here answer their question about what service center is processing transfer cases...


    makeup Dragon Age: Witch Hunt DLC Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon Age: Origins. Rogue
  • Dragon Age: Origins. Rogue

  • hariswaminathan
    09-09 07:08 PM
    Like my title says - Could it be a mistake on their part for EB3 I ? Was it meant to be 15th April 2002 ?
    In March of This year it was 15th Oct 2001. Then it goes to U for untli Oct and now its 15th April 2001 (gone back 6 months !!!!) This seems odd for a new fiscal year with new Visa Quota however small EB3I may be - are there still that many 2000-2001 applications pre-adjudicated in the system waiting for a visa that they had to roll it back ?

    girlfriend The Dual Wield Rogue class is Dragon Age Rogue Build. Kariana- Rogue
  • Kariana- Rogue

  • anda007
    07-09 03:38 PM
    I spoke to this journalist for almost 20 minutes
    She is awesome and really really listens to you and gets a lot of information to you
    She is interested in talking more people and also if possible with other ASIAN people (Chinese/Taiwanese/Pakistanis), who are in the same boat
    Call her and she picks up the call.

    Originally Posted by test101
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

    hairstyles Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age Rogue Build. Dragon-Age-2-Screenshot-
  • Dragon-Age-2-Screenshot-

  • PDOCT05
    09-18 07:59 AM
    Hello, Anyone on July 3rd R.William 9:00am NSC has not received receipt...please let me know.
    Now I am worried, I called today(17th sep) but no news on my record.

    PD:May 2006
    140: Aug 2006
    i-485 : @ NSC july 3rd waiting for receipt

    July 3rd R.William 9:00am NSC

    Same here no receipts yet or no updates.

    07-27 11:13 PM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    07-04 03:46 PM
    My application was delivered on Jul 2, 12:15 PM to Nebraska and signed by Robert Picture .

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