Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • sanhari
    08-24 02:27 PM
    Anybody have any update or heard anything on the visa recapture bill HR5658(111th congress)?

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  • neelu
    05-23 10:49 PM
    Sent emails to each of the senators listed on the first page of this thread using the forms on senators' websites.

    Guys, it barely takes any time to do these simple tasks.

    Look forward to more participation in all IV campaigns.

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  • Hitech-coolie
    10-08 09:33 PM
    Hi All
    I will ask you in a specific manner .Will you guys help me?

    1. Till now I worked on contract as a SAP Consultant with BIG 4 companies and piled up a lot of responsbilities. I got my EAD and one of the BIG wants me to join as Associate Partner- SAP. Can I accept it on EAD?

    2.Till now my salary is USD 65,000+Bonus.With bonus my salary is in the range of 120K -140K. But now the BIG 5 offers me a salary in the range of USD 180K -200K.
    Can I accept the 'offer' based on the above points and use my EAD?
    Or is it a violation of AOS rules?
    Appreciate if you throw light on this specific case
    Hi Tech Coolie

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  • calgirl
    07-20 02:42 PM
    Is there any way of knowing how much each user has contributed? (I am not interested in knowing about others ) but would be nice to know atleast for myself how much I contributed.



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  • gc_lover
    07-20 07:35 AM
    I will contribute 100 $ towards this cause. Just tell me when and where.

    Thanks for everything!

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  • diptam
    06-27 11:53 AM
    Point1) makes me perplexed - Can there be agreements with open ended
    time periods.

    But whatever is the exit strategy i will end up paying almost $10,000 as lawyer fees.

    There are many points on which this agreement can be defended.
    1. No fixed time period. Staying upto 1 year after getting GC is same as saying work until the car engine for the company CEO's car goes out. Nobody can predict either one.
    2. Usually waiver of filing lawsuit by employee involves sum of money for its consideration. Many employer pay employee month salary (or part/multiple) to offer agreement for not suing. Agreement terms without consideration are usually null and void. For example, I can't have agreement with you that you will deliver free newspaper without stating consideration/compensation for you.
    3. Company can claim for GC Expenses and other related expenses if employee leaves within reasonable and agreed period. So probably $10,000 is in the agreement to cover that.

    Now for the bad news, defending this agreement could cost much more than $10,000, besides time and hassles. More so, if employee and employer are in two different states as employer can file suit in their state. In short, $10,000 is cost of moving out of this job at the time of your choice. You could also look at it as the added cost of GC.

    I suggest you should consider making a plan to move in your life and career. As they say, freedom is priceless.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at gmail.com


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  • soumeeram
    11-18 01:36 PM
    Thank you for contacting me regarding the DREAM Act, which I strongly support. I value your input on this important matter.

    We need a tough, smart and comprehensive approach to fix our broken immigration system. We must begin by securing our borders with investments in personnel, infrastructure and technology. We should require the undocumented in this country to register, pay a fine, learn English, and pass criminal background checks before allowing them the opportunity to become citizens.

    Our immigration system is broken, and it cannot be fixed by passing one piece of reform, even a good one like the DREAM Act. We should address immigration as a whole, and that is a primary goal of mine here in the Senate.

    As you may know, the DREAM Act, or Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2009 (S. 729), introduced by Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, would amend previous legislation to allow states to determine residency for higher education purposes. It also authorizes states to cancel the removal and adjust status of certain alien students who are long-term United States residents who entered the United States as children. However, minor aliens who are eligible must meet the following criteria: entered the United States before his or her 16th birthday and has been present in the United States for at least five years immediately preceding enactment of this Act; is a person of good moral character; is not inadmissible or deportable under specified grounds of the Immigration and Nationality Act; at the time of application, has been admitted to an institution of higher education or has earned a high school or equivalent diploma; from the age of 16 and older, has never been under a final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal; and was under age 35 on the date of this Act's enactment.

    Currently, the DREAM Act is under consideration by the Senate Judiciary Committee. While I am not a member of this committee, I will keep your concerns in mind if this issue is brought before the full Senate for consideration.

    For more information about my priorities as a U.S. Senator, I invite you to visit my website at Michael Bennet - United States Senator for Colorado : Home (http://bennet.senate.gov/). Again, thank you for contacting me.


    Michael Bennet
    United States Senator

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  • belmontboy
    02-10 12:14 AM
    very childish!!!how old are you ?

    Is this the best you got??
    C'mon kiddo


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  • alterego
    12-14 08:38 PM
    I myself will not support for skill Bill in current form. Too much H1b numbers will not only create a problem for US citizens it will also for current H1bs as well future H1bs. That 20% automatic adjustment and exemption for Cap for MS persons will increase supply and it will be tough to find a job if too many people are in the market. There are abundant jobs in India. Let people wait in India for 1 or 2 years to come here. Sustained immigration without increasing unemployment is better for US as well as potential immigrants. Otherwise Hate will increase. It may be easy to talk Capitalism and fittest will survive. When those people talking will be unemployed for more than 6 months with kids in the family will realise the truth. In the Forum most of the people are young and they did not face any issue other than Green card.

    But speed with which Corporations and Lawyers are working the Skill bill be passed in current form soon. We will wait and see after 3 years after increasing H1B. My prediction is Limited increase in H1 with Moderate increase in GC numbers will solve the problem for all the gc waiting people without big reaction from anti immigrants and that will boost sustained immigration.

    You are absolutely right, but that is not the sort of solution that Corporations see as what would raise american competitiveness. That is what this whole thing is about.

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  • raju123
    07-06 09:42 AM
    In a mean time we should inform media for the flower delivery in a Mahatma Gandhi suggested way to protest injustice.

    Some one with a good English please draft a letter and we all will send it to all media.

    Media will not let it go...ALL THEY NEED IS NEWS!!! Which is new...Let us give a shot.

    Just idea.


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  • h1techSlave
    02-02 04:45 PM
    Blacks, Latinos and even us Indians have reservation in the US. We get reservations right from Kinder garden, thru college and job opportunities. Many Federal govt. contracts are reserved for minorities and women.


    Simple ... Blacks and Latinos are minority in US... and in India so called Backward Castes are the Majority and in a Democracy MAJORITY RULES! .. so Reservations Persists in India!!! :)

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  • GTGC
    09-16 04:53 PM
    Great Thanks. Please PM me your email ID, Ph# and amount u would like to pledge.

    I can contribute $200 - and dont be disheartened if only 2 people responded today - keep the thread and top and give it visibility!

    we've gotta keep moving forward ....!


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  • gcformeornot
    12-31 12:47 PM

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  • clockwork
    07-02 08:37 AM
    Hi Guys,
    What does your fedex package delivery status say? Out for delivery?


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  • sam2006
    07-19 06:58 PM
    count me in also ....

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-15 01:22 PM
    Please let me know the process to pledge the $100. I am not a member of any state chapter but just a registered member on this site.

    Process is simpler than u can imagine,...just send a private message to me with the folowing info:
    1) IV Handle
    2) Ph#
    3) Email ID
    4) Amount u want to pledge.

    The chek ur IV handle and amount appear on the below list of pledged members:


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  • gc4me
    08-18 12:45 PM
    Are you sure that your application was received on Aug 8th, 2008?
    If ture then this is the shortest time I have ever seen for EAD approval.
    Lucky you!
    May be your Green Card producttion was ordered! Please share your experience.


    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008

    That was pretty quick.
    Funny part is, I haven't received receipt notice yet.

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  • micofrost
    11-17 05:07 PM

    Message sent to:

    Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
    Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH)
    Representative Patrick J. Tiberi (R-OH 12th)

    I think the Republicans on that list are somewhat supportive anyway.

    The link was pretty nice and easy!!!

    "I-485 Approved : 08/04/2010"

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  • reddymjm
    05-05 05:30 PM
    You will be current for sure in the Jun visa bulliten. It will be in some where in 2007.

    11-17 04:04 PM
    Done. Also, sent message to my 10 friends. Hope for a viral effect.

    10-25 11:54 AM
    Yes, but the immigration hearings already happened. People already have a clear indication on what the public wants. Lou Dobbs is still out there reminding them. Honestly, I wish us good luck, but I am not sure.

    Ombudsman, you forgot one important point however.

    If the Dems do win the house, the speaker will be a Dem. and she will set the agenda to be discussed and voted upon. Also the ranking members on the various comittees will also be Dems. Therefore they will make the decisions such as, when and how to discuss these measures in committee, when and with whom to hold congressional hearings(expert testimony), when to go to conference and which representatives to to go to conference, and so on, these things influence the legislative process as much as votes do.

    The bottomline is House Republicans had a fair shot at this and decided against any changes, I can't see how them returning is going to solve a thing. Immigration is one of the few issues that the Upper House and the Pres. can agree with a democratic congress on. Issues such as Soc. Security, healthcare etc will certainly end up in gridlock as the republican strategist Ed Rollins points out.

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