Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • mchatrvd
    09-10 02:27 PM
    IV is not biased against any EB category. Their goal is to have process so that everyone gets GC in one year from date of application. These categories are set by USCIS. IV is currently in process of detailing solutions to end this misery of all EB category. More details can only be find in your respective state chapters. We cannot disclose details on the public forum. I will urge you to join your state chapter so that you are aware of what all IV is trying to do. IV is not trying to make system work for EB2 or EB1 but for everyone. There are lot of solutions, but we need to lobby and for that we need volunteer. Remember IV is not a corporate who has people working on its payroll and getting revenue. All of us need to contribute and volunteer. Trust me the day all of us (at least number of people blogging currently) join their state chapter and volunteer couple of hours in a month, you will not need lobby. The public voice be enough to convince Hill and House to pass a legislation.

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  • texcan
    09-13 12:53 PM

    It will be a great help for everyone, if you all update
    case information in signature.
    Information helps get a perspective to others who are reading it,
    all info in one shot.

    Please Please Please update your signature and add it to posts.

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  • gc_check
    09-24 08:32 AM
    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules very strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicant should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fraudulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    There are many genuine cases, who could have applied in EB2, but due to some erroneous counsel by employer or legal, ended up in EB3 category. Having an option to port PD when applying under alternate category is available, and people eligible taking advantage of this should be allowed to do it and encouraged. Given the market condition, if some one could qualify under EB2 and successfully secure a EB2 labor/I-140, then it must be welcomed and only genuine cases could do so. People with EB3 PD of 2001 or 2002 and waiting for GC might already have worked one or two years prior to starting the process and might be in country working for almost a decade and some even have done their Masters and have the experience. With all this, if they take advantage of this, then they deserve it. I am not able to understand your concern, and also expecting/requesting the porting process to be stopped !! Does not sound right.

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  • amitjoey
    07-09 05:54 PM
    Hello <TV station name>:

    I am writing to you to give you a heads-up on a news story which is
    about to happen on July 10th 2007. If you have been following the
    issue of Immigration in the news lately, the United States Citizenship
    and Immigration Services (USCIS) along with the Department of
    State(DoS) announced an update to the July Visa bulletin essentially
    eliminating any chances to apply for "Adjustment of Status" aka. the
    last stage of the Green Card/Permanent Residency process. This
    bulletin was was originally published during the mid month of June
    inviting all legal immigrants to apply for Permanent Residency.

    The Visa bulletin is a formal communication method to all Immigration
    adjudication officers and personnel in National and International
    consular offices of the United States of America, advising the
    personnel of the availability of Permanent Resident visas which are
    capped at 140,000 a year worldwide. The system has already forced many
    delays and approx. 400,000 applications are back-logged.

    This update was released on July 2nd, the first business day for the
    month of July. Thousands of dollars were spent in legal fees and
    medical examination fees by some 200,000 highly skilled legal
    immigrants who chose to follow the rules and abide by the laws.

    Several lawsuits have been filed against USCIS and DoS asking for
    reimbursement of legal and medical expenses by AILF (American
    Immigration Law Foundation) and AILA (American Immigrant Lawyers

    The Legal immigrant community backed by ImmigrationVoice.org (a 15,000
    strong group representing the Highly Skilled Legal Immigrants
    Community) is resorting to a unique way of protesting this decision.
    We have decided to take a leaf out of Mahatma Gandhi's book and send a
    dozen flowers to the USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez as a way of
    protesting against this debacle brought upon by the high handedness of
    the two departments.

    Please find attached the Press release from ImmigrationVoice detailing
    this protest.

    As always, you folks at <TV Station> have always given unbiased coverage to
    events, both local and nation wide. I hope you will cover this story
    and bring to light this case of cheating by the USCIS and Dept. of

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me @ <your-number/contact info>

    Best regards,




    News recording of the Coverage by NBC Nightly news:-


    Thanks for your efforts, this is exactly what we need.


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  • Legal
    07-28 10:18 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    I know only of Java coffee:). I promise you Ron Hira wouldn't be interested in my application.

    It looks like EB2-EB3 having overlapping qualifications is a major source of frustration for you. I have similar issues with EB1-EB2 overlaping qualifications.

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  • snathan
    02-09 09:29 PM
    Dear IV Guys,

    I have been a passive observer of this forum.

    I have done one time contribution of 100$.

    Here are the details:
    Payment details
    Transaction ID: 57T11728MH365274A
    Item Price: $100.00 USD
    Total: $100.00 USD
    Order Description: Contributions
    Item/Product Number: Contributions
    Buyer: Shyam Kishore Kuppu Rao


    cool...thanks lot for your contribution


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  • pmpforgc
    02-07 10:55 PM
    Blacks, Latinos and even us Indians have reservation in the US. We get reservations right from Kinder garden, thru college and job opportunities. Many Federal govt. contracts are reserved for minorities and women.


    I love this thread and will comment more later.

    But wanted to correct that in Most instance in US they dont apply MINORITY benefits to ASIAN people MAINLY because THEY are high ACHIVER in this Countrry. In most of the great colleges and MEDICAL SCHOOLS they TRY AS MUCH as possible to LIMIT asians in ADMISSIONS. Also When They talk about DIVERSITY they only talk about AFRICAN AMERICANS mostly.

    I am surprised that THOUGH ASIANS are very little in NUMBER in US they mostly dont get BENEFIT that MINORITY should get officially.

    I hope at some point SOME of OVER ASIAN kids will take MEDICAL SCHOOLS DISCRIMINATION against ASIANS in the SUPREEEM COURT in US.

    When it comes to Minority dont consider Yourself or your kids to get any MINORITY benefits in US. IT is mostly RESERVED FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS and in SOME INSTANCES for HISAPANIC though they are in LARGE NUMBER compare to ASIAN in this GREAT COUNTRY of USA !!!

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  • kate123
    02-09 02:13 PM
    Transaction Id: 49C78926VG6647649
    Contributed via paypal

    Thank you all,
    Keep up the good work.


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  • pamposh
    09-15 12:40 PM

    I have created a Shared Spreadsheet with the list of people who have pledged in favor of this effort.

    Everyone can view it, but unfortunately, i didn'y think it was ideal for everyone to edit. I will be more than happy to grant Edit access to a few more folks who are willing to help. Also, from security point of view, i think we should add our IV handle instead of real name. Since we have email ID's and ph#, we can be in touch as soon as it it time for action.

    Please keep sending me ur details to add to this list. Remember, we only proceed if we have atleast 1000 pledged members.

    I will keep publishing this sheet from time to time on this thread so people know.

    Please keep pouring in with ur suggestions.

    My suggestion, please do not make the phone number and email ids available in public. Many (like me) may not like any/everyone knowing my phone number and email id.

    we could just hide these two columns... just a thought.

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  • gcbikari
    04-30 01:38 PM
    Any realistic numbers how many EB3 India pending cases are there with PDs in each of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ...

    Anyone know any links, USCIS keeps on posting some data all the time.

    I can tell you there are roughly 100,000 labor applications filed (50,000 EB3) between Aug 2003 and Dec 2003 for EB India category. The reason was everybody wanted to clear thru regular process before PERM takes over. Those Labors filed after Aug 2003 and before PERM started are moved into backlog and are fully cleary last 4 th quarter. And so 90% of those EB3s may be still there (45,000) hanging. EB2s could have been cleared substantially till Dec 2003. It is all my guess work and not sceintific or factual.


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  • sac-r-ten
    02-10 07:55 AM
    Finally we have decided to go back to India for good. I filed my EB3 in May 2003. Its going to be another 4 years to get the green card. When I went to India for vacation last December, we liked it over there & the economy is booming. There are all sorts of discussion regarding the Economic Gap/Politics/Corruption/Cleanliness. But we like it over there. Finally I will have an option to do something interesting. In US I was very much dependent on my monthly pay check and afraid to take even the slightest risk. I am also scared to use the AC21(Hey, thats the way I am). I am working with the same company for last 10 years, kinda stagnant in the last 4 years. In India, there are lots of choices, either to work for a sw company or start some business on my own. I think I will take the business route.

    May be I can go there, earn well, send my son to US for college, do green card through him & come retire in US!!!

    Good Luck to everybody!!

    Hi asdcrajnet, good luck with all your endeavours. Me to heading back this may-end. Having spend 6years and going now where with career or GC.

    Have sent you a private message. would appreciate if you could answer few of my queries.

    thank you.

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  • Libra
    08-26 12:58 PM
    I did and I got a response in mail saying there are extremely high volume of cases filed before me, that is why it is taking time.

    Did you try Ombudsman route? It may take a few more weeks, I guess it is worth a try.


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  • saimrathi
    07-13 06:36 AM
    Is this posted somewhere? Is there a link?

    Just woke up to NPR morning news ... nice coverage on the July bulletin.

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  • rbusgc
    02-24 01:29 PM
    Receipt No: 5475-4035-1880-0959



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  • KRock
    07-11 10:54 AM
    I'm a producer for Al Jazeera International in D.C. and I'd like to get in touch with someone about this story for our network. It would be nice to talk with you this morning (Wednesday 7/11) I can be reached at 202-496-4519 or 202-651-1613. Thank you for your time,
    Kelly Rockwell

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  • dtekkedil
    07-10 05:33 PM
    Now that we have generated interest and made more people aware of IV. The next thing is to do is to gather support for rallies.

    For the next few days we need to spread the word about this campaign and get more people to join us. Spread the word around about the San Jose rally!

    We have to make sure that this flower drive is especially talked about in and around San Jose.


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  • manish1905
    02-25 07:22 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 1KJ77263D2760803K.
    Just contributed another $50 feeling better.

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  • virtual55
    05-02 09:55 PM

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  • StarSun
    02-04 09:46 AM
    $49,200 to go.

    Thank you members for contributing.

    02-14 05:25 PM
    Your transaction ID for this payment is: 37X0990761241871V.

    Thanks everyone!

    05-02 09:33 AM
    even if yu have got a red dot for some stupid reason I was strongly tempted to give yu ared dot for this reply. If not let the administrators give yu one................

    Who did not even know about IV till Apr 2007 are talking here.

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