Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • wait4ever
    08-08 12:19 PM
    Congrats...remember folks are waiting for over 10 years...and still not CARD PROD ORDERED e mail...so be happy and enjoy!!!!


    Appreciate the sentiments - I hope & pray that everyone gets approved very quickly - all on this forum are deserving types without any doubts -


    Could I have an answer to my questions please ?:)

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  • LCtank
    06-20 01:30 PM
    No reason to loose energy. Enjoy what you have and make the best out of it. Agree, this should be the way everybody lives his/her life. While you have little control of it, just enjoy your time as you usually do. Eat your favorite food, love your love, don't let anything behind because of this issue.

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  • vsoni
    12-03 02:20 PM
    Is there any way I can help you?
    If yes Please PM me

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  • paskal
    05-23 02:38 AM
    good crisp message
    great job!


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  • CADude
    05-23 05:13 PM
    I webfax and send email to CA Senetor.

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  • sankap
    07-10 06:27 PM

    I've no problems you or anybody else challenging me--we're all (mostly) scientists/engineers here, so making assumptions based on observations, and challenging them, should be the first step toward creating a hypothesis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method). But science seeks evidence for those assumptions. Staying clear of traps like fallacies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy) should help.

    Ok, i am not challenging you or your interpretations. I am looking into all options.


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  • jsb
    08-15 10:20 AM
    It may be better if you refile it now (before Aug 17). My lawyer made me refile...just because there is no receipt yet. He says by doing so you don't lose anything. If your first application is in the system at the time of opening second, it will be returned. It is very unlikely that they will cash second check. Fedex confirmation only tells that 'something' was delivered. It does not tell what was inside...

    [QUOTE....I am wondering what if they misplaced/lost my application, will they accept resubmitting a new I485 petition after Aug17th based on Fedex signature conformation receipt signed by an IO, of previously filed petition??:confused:[/QUOTE]

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  • alterego
    12-11 05:05 PM
    I feel more H1b visas alone and/or nurses visas only would actually be bad for us. It takes some of the pressure off the senators from the Tech Lobby/healthcare lobby. In fact one of the silver linings in this last week is that nothing at all was done. This is sure to keep the pressure rising in the start of the 110th congress.


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  • immi_grant
    12-10 06:31 PM
    Sorry to hear about your situation. My prayers are with you.

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  • pdakwala
    11-21 05:54 PM
    Please check your PM. Contact me at pdakwala@yahoo.com


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  • augustus
    12-03 12:25 PM
    Mehul, After reading your post, I feel very bad for what you are going through and my heart goes out to you and your family. I know nothing of what I say is enough to help you but again, I still say it with the hope that things will turn around for you. GOD HAS HIS WAYS, AND HE IS THE ULTIMATE FORCE IN THIS WORLD. I have often wondered, the chase we chase. The reality is nothing else matters but HIM yet it is so difficult to accept this reality and we chase the materialistic things in him which at the end, every one of us writing here and reading is going to leave behind one day.

    GOD IS KIND, HE WILL LOOK AFTER YOU. PRAY TO HIM, SINCERELY. I suggest you take all the treatments there is and Don't worry you will come out of this. He will protect you and many prayers come your way. I will definitely pray for you and your family.

    Nothing else matters. As per your question, I think consulting your lawyer and then working with him to meet a senator or congressmen to help expedite your case may prove helpful. Both of you can work together so you have a backing. And like someone earlier posts said, make sure your finances are strong and have a family backing in US.

    I will continue to pray for you. STAY STRONG AND SEEK COMFORT IN " HIM " ALONE.

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  • va_il
    05-02 12:29 PM
    mrajatish is right.

    Also, if you have an advanced degree from an acredited university outside US AND have been working for 3 years in a related field, you will also be exempt from the cap regardless of whether you are applying/have applied in EB2 or EB3 (believe me...you would think that people with advanced degrees would have applied in EB2...but there are cases where people have had to apply in EB3 category even with an advanced degree).

    I am not sure about that. Most of the EB3 guys have advance degrees (including me) but not necessarily with US degrees.


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  • andy007
    07-07 10:07 PM
    That's nice to hear. Can he guess what would be the likely outcome? If the judge just takes USCIS/DOS to task then it doesn't help us.

    1. Will they make the July visa bulletin current again?
    2. If not, will they allow everyone to file for EAD and AP?
    3. If neither #1 nor #2, will there be any financial reimbursement?



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  • sushilup
    08-18 04:07 PM
    Hello Guys,

    I filed on july 7th and still waiting.
    My case little different, my 485 pending at Nebraska and I mailed EAD renewal at Texas (because I live in PA, per instructions in form).

    Do you think my EAD will get stuck because of this? I hope I did right thing.

    Is any one similar situation



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  • lasvegas
    02-05 02:23 PM
    Gurus, anybody did canada landing after applying I-485 during July2nd? What was the experience like? Can immigration officers on both sides USA, Canada consider this conflicting on the grouds of " INTENT " ?

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  • nixstor
    06-22 01:51 PM
    We discussed this several Times !

    I'm currently bargaining with my employer for that Letter.... They are saying that letter can be given now only if i don't ask for next Hike etc...

    blood suckers ..., you know

    I know man.. These people are going bonkers right now. They know whats coming down the line after 6 or 7 months.


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  • mannan74
    12-01 03:39 AM
    From Drak70: Of all the responses I think this has a definite plan of action for Mehul, Please do as Drak says. May God bless you and your family.

    Dear Mehul

    Best Wishes for your and your family

    My suggestion would be that probably doctors have discovered metastatic cancer and have give you the prognosis.

    For your visa
    It seems you have already cleared most hurdles

    1) Talk to a immigration lawyer
    2) Talk to USCIS and ask for "Humanitarian Expedite". Call or fax them the document ask you doctor to write the letter
    3) get media attention: write to local congressman,senator and the local media TV stations to expedite your case
    4)Dont delay any day. Once you create an expediate request they are bound to act on it.(by either rejecting it or accepting it). The point is make an official request without delay
    In a similar situation i would try to straigten out few things
    First is finance Security :

    1)Try to transfer control and custody of all financial instruments to you wife name

    2)is you wife working if not try to get job on H1b.(not EAD) Cap exempt HIB from university affialted jobs are alsways available or get her to a school on f-1

    What does you wife want.She may not want to stay here if she does not have extended family.Talk to her.Ask here

    Lastly Get an second opinion from Indian APollo etc they may do life prolonging surgical procedures (which doctors here might not be willing for many reasons ...this will get you enough time that your green card is appoved

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  • gc28262
    02-10 10:23 AM
    DCU bill payer needs phone number for IV.
    Can someone post tel# for IV ?

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  • PavanV
    02-02 01:31 PM
    [QUOTE=shreekhand;2310147]Nobody is holding them back and that is the very reason they are planning to go back... got it ?

    Your rant in the post of all things, especially about the caste system seems like the half baked knowledge of a westerner bloating and carrying the caste "issue" to stratospheric levels!

    I don't from what area in India exposed you to your experiences, but apart from the ridiculous reservations and quota system, there have been no caste related issues that I or my family faced while in western India. Be it working with people from all castes, making friends with them or really helping the neglected. This was the case with my neighbors or any relatives.

    This shows how ignorant you are about the most prevailing and backward situation in INDIA. Unfortunately the above comments show you like the cat drinking the milk closing eyes thinking nobody is watching her.
    Do you even know why the quota system was introduced. it is a different thing that it is not being utilized the way it had to be put into use. You are just from western part of India don't speak as though you are from western part of the world. I guess you don't watch the news where they speak about the various atrocities done on the backward class by the forward class. I feel sorry for your ignorance that is all I can do. When possible go to any NGO social service people and ask about caste system and they will give you ample stories which might shatter your belief. What I agreed with the fellow IV member was on a different issue and I acknowledge the fact that things are wrong in each part of the world and every country has its own share of issues. Just like nobody is perfect not every place is perfect. But not acknowledging the fact that something is so widely prevalent in India just shows how far as an individual you are away from reality.

    These day's there more atrocities by the backward class on the forward classes, why does one need reservation ?, think about it, there has been slavery here in the united states similar to what has been in India, India is now a secular and democratic country, with opportunities for all, but one has reservation there, so in a similar sense, the blacks/ latino's would also need reservation here ??. It does not matter where you are, if you have the attitude that you have been deprived / subjugated, you will turn up the same if you are in the US or India or for that matter the moon !, to me, you should stay back in the US, let the US deal with your problem of caste/ class.

    08-20 12:53 PM

    Please hang in there. I am sure you will get yours card soon...

    For various reasons, I got my greencard 14 years after entering this country and 14years after getting my Ph.D. Life throws up challenges and we have to face them with courage.

    Ha ha Congrats....

    Story of my life. I complain about delay with my application. Someone joins me and tells me they are in the same boat and the very next day that someone leaves the boat and jumps into "greener" pastures. Everyone is leaving the boat and I seem to be left out :(

    Who else are in my boat? (Application with an officer for over 2 weeks and still status = "Initial Review")

    07-06 09:42 AM
    In a mean time we should inform media for the flower delivery in a Mahatma Gandhi suggested way to protest injustice.

    Some one with a good English please draft a letter and we all will send it to all media.

    Media will not let it go...ALL THEY NEED IS NEWS!!! Which is new...Let us give a shot.

    Just idea.

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